Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The White Man's Burden

It started as Imperialism, when the British ruled the world. But its beginnings started in Rome a couple of thousand years previous.

It is really just hubris after all; the belief that one is superior to another and can provide advice and counsel. And run the shop better than the shop owner.

Once the twentieth century arrived, Imperialism had a bad name. Sadly, it was replaced by other isms which have fared much worse. Fascism and communism are examples. Then, once we white folks were blamed for all the ills of the world by the very people who benefited from such ills (a.ka. fully tenured university professors), we decided to go about fixing those problems. Give us your starving children, your dying grandparents, your drunk Indians etc. etc. and we will nurse them back to life.

Along came the Red Cross and Oxfam, and the like.

This institutionalized, and almost, Jungian, unconscious guilt over the perceived mis-deeds of long-dead Caucasian generations has caused many Western nations along with their living, Caucasian, male leaders to do some of the darned things.

When Afghanistan, a nation of nothing more than a bunch of heroine exporting, ignorant dumb assess who live mainly in huts, herding goats, decided that it would harbour the Taliban and Al Queada, some of us decided we needed to fix the place. So we invested billions of dollars. Only to find out that some guy wearing a Shriner's hat has decided that its ok to rape women, and actually codified it into law. Wouldn't we have been better off to just close our borders to anyone holding an Afghan passport, or even anyone who had visited the place in the past 10 years?

I don't suffer from White Man's Burden. I don't blame myself nor my ancestors for the fact that people in Afghanistan just don't get it. My accountability and responsibility in life goes no further than my backyard. And my offer to help those who can't help themselves doesn't extend outside my neighborhood.

Its not that I am selfish or lazy, qualities which every human being shares, whether in Canada or Afghanistan. It's that I am not lost in my own hubris. I am no better than anyone else. I am just a simple fellow who knows I cannot help someone who doesn't realize that I have help to give.

So its time to exist Afghanistan quick as a fart in the wind. By staying there, we perpetuate the culture of guilt which takes resources away from the people who really need it - the people in our house, our backyard and our neighborhood.

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