Monday, April 6, 2009

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Canadian university professors are complaining that their first year students in Ontario are lazy, relying on Wikipedia to collect information for assignments rather than doing work.

Maybe assignments should be based on something more than simply gathering information, maybe analysis might matter LOL.

After living in Latin America for three years, I was astonished to see the university program highlights in B.C. that were outright lies about life in Latin America. You see, the professors who design these programs have NEVER been to Latin America. They design the programs based on elitist academic views which have no relationship to the on-the-ground truth. For example, here in B.C. there are programs that discuss how NAFTA has been to the disadvantage of Mexicans. But, in Mexico, the VAST majority of people think NAFTA has made them equal to Americans and Canadians.

The hubris of the typical North American professor-type is offensive.

And the qualifications of many of the high school "leaders" who are responsible for graduating some of these students are suspect. Tonight on CBC, they interviewed a typical high school principal in Ontario. His name is Tom Shultz. I know Tom, very well. He was a phys-ed teacher at Merivale High School when I attended there in 1975-1980. At risk of being sued for slander, I won't say much more about Shultzie.

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